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The publications disseminated on Érudit reflect the diversity of Canadian
and international research and creation in the humanities and social sciences.

The platform gives access to over 200 000 documents: articles, reviews, dissertations, research documents, etc. These documents stem from over 35 disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and arts and letters: psychology, education, law, visual arts, anthropology, etc.

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Accessing Our Collections

Open Access

Ever since Érudit’s creation in 1998, the open access movement has been at the heart of our mission. The journals on our platform choose to be disseminated either in immediate open access or with a moving paywall. As a result, over 95% of the documents disseminated on are freely available to all.

Content Restricted to Members

Only the last publication year of some scholarly journals and the last three years of cultural journals are in restricted access.


Users have two options to access the restricted content:

  • Through a subscribing institution
    Over 1,100 institutions worldwide hold a subscription to one or several journals on Érudit: libraries, research centres, CEGEPs, schools, etc. Contact your institution to find out which publications are part of its subscription.
  • Through an individual subscription
    Several journals offer individual subscriptions to their digital content. Contact the journal you wish to access to purchase an individual subscription or fill out this online form to obtain an individual subscription.


Érudit make several tools and services for all its users.



Article formats


Search engine

Full-text search in the entire Érudit collection as well as the contents hosted on partner platforms (Persée, UNB, NRC Press)

Integration to databases and discovery tools

ABC-CLIO America History & Life and Historical Abstracts, EBSCOhost, FRANCIS, Isidore, Google, Google Scholar, OCLC WorldCat, Primo Central, ProQuest, Repère, SCOPUS, Serials Solutions

Article downloads

Unlimited printing and downloads

Integration to OpenURL solutions


Compatibility with reference management software

EndNote, RefWorks, Zotero

Preservation and cross-referencing

Permanent URL and DOI for each article

Notification and communication tools

Search Support

Advanced search, Boolean operators, sorting… here is a search guide for the users of our platform:

Search Guide

We do not offer one-on-one search support.

Licence and Acceptable Use Policy

Visit our Licences and policies page to learn about the permitted uses of the platform, services and content on the platform.
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If you have any further questions on the Érudit platform or its contents, please visit our FAQ or contact us at


Why Browse the Érudit Collections?

A rich and diverse output in HSS research and creation

You have access to thousands of articles from a single location.

+ 7 000 new documents yearly

You can view the latest search results.

A majority of open-access content

You are supporting an initiative at the service of journals and research.