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The Presses de l’Université de Montréal (PUM) create a digital publishing department, the earliest incarnation of Érudit. Its operations focus on the transition of scholarly journals towards digital formats. With support from a Quebec government agency, a digital publishing trial project is launched and the first five digital journals are produced in SGML.


The original version of the Érudit platform is launched.


Digitization of the first retroactive collections using archives from Meta and Sociologie et sociétés.


Creation of an interuniversity group for digital publishing [Groupe interuniversitaire pour l’édition numérique (GIEN)] to oversee Érudit, in order to meet the Canadian academic community’s need for a structure offering digital publishing services. It is comprised of the Université de Montréal’s information and communication technologies department [Direction des technologies de l’information et de la communication], the provincial scientific information network [Réseau d’informations scientifiques du Québec (RISQ)], the Presses de l’Université de Montréal, the Presses de l’Université Laval, the dissemination department of the research and creation branch of the Université du Québec à Montréal [Direction de la diffusion du Service de la recherche et de la creation] and the Université Laval library. This group led to the creation of the Érudit consortium Érudit in 2004.


Launch of the second version of the Érudit platform, with four sections for various research documents in HSS (Journals, Books, Prepublications, and Dissertations). Érudit then disseminates over 6,000 documents in open access.


Creation of the Érudit consortium, in the form of a general partnership, whose partners are Université de Montréal, Université Laval and Université du Québec à Montréal.


Érudit starts disseminating scholarly journals behind a moving wall (subscription-based access to issues published over the last two years and open access to the rest of the archives) and launches its subscription management services. Érudit then disseminates over 15,000 articles.


Launch of the third version of the platform with value-added services: advanced search features, trilingual platform, records available for exportation, etc.


Launch of a retrospective digitization project for cultural journals members of the Société de développement des périodiques culturels québécois (SODEP). 250,000 pages are digitized, and access to over 60,000 articles is provided online thanks to a Canadian Heritage grant awarded to the SODEP.


Consolidation of the Dissertations section through an agreement signed with four Canadian Universities: UQAM, UQAT, UQTR, UQAC. Thanks to this project, over 55 000 master’s and doctoral dissertations are referenced on the platform as of 2013.


The Partnership in support of open access to scholarly journals is established between 107 Canadian journals and 53 university libraries, in collaboration with the CRKN.


Creation of the Open Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CO-SHS). Funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation and overseen by Prof. Vincent Larivière (Université de Montréal), CO-SHS aims to unravel a national digital research infrastructure dedicated to the production, aggregation, enrichment as well as computerized exploration of critical data in the humanities and social sciences published


Launch of the fourth version of the Érudit platform to improve the reading experience, optimize document distribution and referencing, and anticipate the arrival of new services. More than 150,000 articles are now available on the platform.


Launch of Coalition Publica, an initiative of Érudit and PKP to bring together Canadian scholarly journal publishers, academic libraries and researchers.

Logo de Coalition Publica

To find out more:


Beaudry, G., Boucher, M., Niemann, T. & Boismenu, G. (2009). Érudit : le numérique au service de l’édition en sciences humaines et sociales. Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture1 (1).

Boismenu, G. & Beaudry G. (2014), Du concept à l’outil : penser et instrumenter l’édition numérique de revues savantes, Les revues à l’ère numérique.

Cameron-Pesant, S. (2018). Usage et diffusion des revues savantes québécoises en sciences sociales et humaines : analyse des téléchargements de la plateforme Érudit. Recherches sociographiques59 (3), 365–384.

Cameron-Pesant, S., Sainte-Marie, M., Jansen, Y. & Larivière, V. (2018). Criminologie à portée de clic : analyse de l’usage de la revue numérique. Criminologie51 (1), 111–142.

Canal Savoir (2018) « La création de la plateforme Érudit »,

Paquin, É. (2013). Les modèles économiques de l’accès libre : réflexions à partir de l’expérience d’Érudit. Documentation et bibliothèques59 (3), 155–160.

Vanasse, A. (2010). Le projet « Érudit ». Lettres québécoises, (138), 3–3.

Ward, M., & Lavoie, J. (2016). A library-publisher partnership for open access: building an innovative relationship between scholarly publishers and academic libraries. LIBER Quarterly25(4), 189–204.