As part of Coalition Publica, the partnership between Érudit and the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), many scholarly journals beginning their dissemination on Érudit in 2023 use PKP’s Open Journal Systems (OJS) software. In 2023, these new journals are supported in their activities by Canadian universities and university libraries that host OJS:

Discover the 20 new journals that will be disseminated during the year 2023 on the platform!
The journals are representative of the wealth of research and creation in Canada and abroad : arts, education, geography, health sciences, history, law, literary studies, philosophy, sociology, women’s studies… In all, more than 35 disciplines are covered in the collection.

To access the new titles:
The publications of the new journals will be progressively accessible on the platform during the year 2023, according to each journal’s publication schedule.
- The majority of these titles are open access and distributed under Creative Commons licenses. Some titles are restricted with a 12-month moving wall (for scholarly journals) or 36-month moving wall (for cultural journals). For more information on access options, you may fill out this form.
- To keep up to date with our latest publications, we invite you to subscribe to our monthly newsletter.
- For institutions, you may consult this page for more information on our services to libraries.
List of New Titles
The new journals of 2023 offer contemporary and relevant perspectives on the individual and society. Some titles enrich the corpus of journals devoted to education and health sciences, areas of particular importance in our society. Other publications examine current legal issues, for example through the prism of information technology. In the arts, some offer essays and research on specific genres. Finally, several journals offer a multidisciplinary perspective on specific topics.
Most of these journals are published by Canadian scholarly societies, university presses or faculties. They have been evaluated by our scientific committee and meet strict selection criteria.
Learn more about the titles that will begin being disseminated on during the year 2023:
Other titles: ACME : Revue internationale de géographie critique / ACME: Revista internacional de geografía crítica
ACME is an international journal for critical analyses of the social, the spatial, and the political.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 6
Publisher: Centre for Social Spatial & Economic Justice at the University of British Columbia
Digital ISSN: 1492-9732
Discipline(s): Urban Studies, Geography, Humanities and Social Sciences
OJS hosted by: University of British Columbia
Published since 2011, the journal Apprendre et enseigner aujourd’hui aims to support and accompany teachers in their professional development in pedagogy and in improving the professional skills of the teaching profession. It is intended for school personnel in primary and secondary education, in general education for youth and adults, and in vocational training. It aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in both the French and English sectors.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: 12-month moving wall
Frequency (of publication each year): 2
Publisher: Conseil pédagogique interdisciplinaire du Québec
Published since 2007, les Cahiers francophones de soins palliatifs (CFSP) is a journal specializing in research and care for people at the end of life, their loved ones and their community. Considering an interdisciplinary approach as a necessity, the journal is interested in all fields related to this subject. CFSP is the result of an initiative of the Maison Michel-Sarrazin in collaboration with a group of researchers from Laval University. Over the years, CFSP has contributed to research in the field of palliative and end-of-life care throughout the French-speaking world. Up until now, CFSP has been available in paper format, but will be going digital in 2023.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 2
Publisher: Maison Michel-Sarrazin
Digital ISSN: 2816-8755
Discipline(s): Psychology, Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences
OJS hosted by: Université Laval
Other title: Revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie
The Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology welcomes papers on all aspects of educational technology and learning. Topics may include, but are not limited to: learning theory and technology, cognition and technology, instructional design theory and application, online learning, computer applications in education, simulations and gaming, and other aspects of the use of technology in the learning process. An important aim of this journal is the contribution to learning theory within the field of educational technology.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 3
Publisher: The Canadian Network for Innovation in Education
Digital ISSN: 1499-6685
Discipline(s): Education, Humanities and Social Sciences
OJS hosted by: University of Alberta
In adopting the name Communitas, the journal proposes a community that thinks about normativity and breaks down its constituent elements. Communitas defends the idea that community is characterized by the altering effect of the relationship with others, so that what matters is not so much the resonance as the dissonance between the points of view, and thus, with regard to the object under study, between the divergent approaches to normativity. Communitas is intended to be the home of understandings of normativity at work; understandings that may appear with as many contradictions as there are disciplinary angles, practices or methods.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 2
Publisher: Département des sciences juridiques, Faculté de science politique et de droit, Université du Québec à Montréal
Digital ISSN: 2563-9250
Discipline(s): Law
OJS hosted by: Université du Québec à Montréal
Confraternitas is the journal of the Society for Confraternity Studies and is devoted to research on all aspects of medieval and early modern confraternities. Founded in 1990, the journal publishes scholarly articles and reviews, and shares information of interest to its communities. The journal also publishes special issues to present a more sustained examination of specific topics and new directions in the field.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: 12-month moving wall
Frequency (of publication each year): 2
Publisher: Iter Press
Digital ISSN: 2293-7579
Discipline(s): Arts, History, Humanities and Social Sciences
OJS hosted by: Université de Toronto (Iter)
Critical Gambling Studies welcomes original research and writing from researchers working in established disciplines including: philosophy, psychology, anthropology, sociology, politics, criminology aesthetics, history, economics, literature, theology, art history and architecture, tourism and leisure studies, public health and law. The journal is also keen to consider interdisciplinary approaches to gambling research within an activist tradition.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 2
Publisher: University of Alberta Library
Digital ISSN: 2563-190X
Discipline(s): Humanities and Social Sciences, Political Science, Sociology
OJS hosted by: University of Alberta
The journal Enseignement et Recherche en Administration de l’Éducation (ER@dE) is a French-language journal that covers all disciplinary fields related to educational administration. Well rooted in its field, the online journal ER@dE publishes quality scholarly articles and professional papers from around the world.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 1
Publisher: Association pour le développement de l’enseignement et de la recherche en administration de l’éducation
Digital ISSN: 2561-1453
Discipline(s): Education, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences
OJS hosted by: Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Ethica is an international, interdisciplinary journal featuring articles that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the fields of theoretical and applied ethics. Published since 1989 by the Groupe de recherche Ethos of the Université du Québec à Rimouski (Canada), Ethica is one of the oldest French-language ethics journals. It aims to promote dialogue among ethics researchers and to participate in the various ethical debates raised in Quebec society and elsewhere.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 2
Publisher: Université du Québec à Rimouski
Digital ISSN: 2816-8984
Discipline(s): Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences
The Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society has advanced scholarship on the history of Nova Scotia since 1998 and in previous forms (the Collections and the Nova Scotia Historical Review) going back until 1878. Its mission is to make articles on a wide spectrum of important and pertinent subjects available to members and to the broader community. The content of the Journal includes papers read at the Society’s public meetings, and also relevant works on the history of Nova Scotia submitted to the Journal but not read before the Society.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: 12-month moving wall
Frequency (of publication each year): 1
Publisher: Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society
This journal will resume dissemination of its current issues starting in 2023.
Lex Electronica was founded by Professor Karim Benyekhlef in 1995, with a view to developing information and communications technology law. Since 2014, Professor Vincent Gautrais has directed the journal. An international law journal, Lex Electronica‘s purpose was to present to both legal scholars and the general public changes regarding law and technology, not just information technologies but also life and health technologies. It was launched as the first French-language online law journal, and one of the first information and communications technology law journals worldwide.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 3
Publisher: Centre de recherche en droit public Université de Montréal
Monstrum is an academic journal publishing original scholarship in horror and related areas, in English or French, by developing and established scholars working on cinema, television, literature, media studies, popular culture, genre, philosophy, cultural studies, and other fields. The journal is published by the Montréal Monstrum Society, which grew out of a community of scholars and fan-scholars in Montreal and abroad.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 2
Publisher: Montréal Monstrum Society
Digital ISSN: 2561-5629
Discipline(s): Arts, Literary Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences
Standing at the crossroads of literary studies, art history (painting, photography, cinema, among others), and feminist and gender studies, the journal of modern literature and art MuseMedusa aims to contribute to the reflection on the presence and interweaving of myth(olog)ic narratives and figures, as well as their related ideas, in literary works and various forms of artistic expression. A singular space, the journal rethinks research by bringing together scholarly studies and creations in the digital age. Founded in 2012, the scholarly project of MuseMedusa consists more precisely in questioning the persistence of certain mythical figures, the notions and cultural concepts they convey from one era to another, since the modern era (starting around 1850).
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 1
Publisher: Université de Montréal, Département des littératures de langue française
The New Explorations: Studies in Culture and Communication journal project is inspired by the original journal Explorations: Studies in Culture and Communication edited by Edmund Carpenter and Marshall McLuhan from 1953 to 1972. Just as the founders of Explorations were focused on the new electric technologies of their times, primarily television and mainframe computers, the focus of New Explorations is on the new and emerging technologies of our times. Its approach to these studies is that of media ecology as developed by the Toronto School of Harold Innis, Marshall McLuhan, and Ted Carpenter. The journal studies the impact of current media and makes use of multimedia technologies to organize its activities. New Explorations is designed as a publication that explores questions cutting across the humanities and social sciences.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 2
Publisher: New Explorations Association
Digital ISSN: 2563-3198
Discipline(s): Humanities and Social Sciences
OJS hosted by: University of Toronto
Other title: Revue de droit d’Ottawa
The Ottawa Law Review (OLR) is a bilingual and peer-reviewed academic journal published by the students of the Common Law Section at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law. Student editors manage all editorial and operational aspects of the journal with guidance from Faculty Advisors. Since its founding in 1966, the OLR has been committed to the highest standards of quality and excellence. The OLR is an innovative medium for the advancement of legal scholarship and a first-rate source of research for the legal profession. The journal promotes a diversity of opinion on current and relevant legal issues by soliciting articles from jurists, practitioners, and academics. The journal also publishes interviews with distinguished members of the legal profession and book reviews. The OLR’s distinct reputation has resulted in its articles being cited by a number of Canadian courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 2
Publisher: Ottawa Law Review / Revue de droit d’Ottawa
Other title: Études scandinaves au Canada
Scandinavian-Canadian Studies is a journal published by the Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada. It expresses in concrete — and more recently virtual — form the Association’s conviction that there is much to be learned from peoples of Scandinavia, not least by Canadians, who share a comparable geopolitical situation, not to mention social and cultural values. Articles deal with a wide range of subjects: translation studies, mermaids, multiculturalism, the films of Bergman, Ibsen and other writers, Scandinavian immigration to Canada, Icelandic sagas, and so on. The first volume was published in 1983.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 1
Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada
Digital ISSN: 2816-5187
Discipline(s): Language Studies, Literary Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences
OJS hosted by: University of Alberta
Soins d’urgence, the official journal of the Association des infirmières et infirmiers d’urgence du Québec, is a professional journal that aims to provide accessible, quality clinical and research articles to healthcare providers on various topics related to emergency practice in Quebec (e.g., trauma, cardiology, triage, innovative practices). Since its first publication in May 2020, the journal has had a readership from across Quebec and around the world.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 2
Publisher: Association des infirmières et infirmiers d’urgence du Québec
This journal will resume dissemination of its current issues starting in 2023.
Vie des arts is a magazine about current art, firstly in the province of Quebec but also everywhere else in the world. Exhibit reviews, interviews with artists, reports, themed features, essays: far from any dogmatism, in a wide range of schools of thought, the magazine suggests avenues and perspectives to its readers in order for them to create their own theoretical and aesthetic approach.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: 36-month moving wall
Frequency (of publication each year): 4
Publisher: La Société La vie des Arts
Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal is an academic journal published exclusively on the Internet, and devoted to scholarly debate on gender-related issues in Judaism. The ultimate aim of the journal is to promote the reconceptualization of the study of Judaism, by acknowledging and incorporating the roles played by women, and by encouraging the development of alternative research paradigms. Cross-methodological and interdisciplinary, the journal does not promote a fixed ideology, and welcomes a variety of approaches.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 2
Publisher: Women in Judaism, Inc.
Digital ISSN: 1209-9392
Discipline(s): Women Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences, Theology
OJS hosted by: Université de Toronto
The Wrongful Conviction Law Review is a non-profit international journal focusing on wrongful convictions and miscarriages of justice. While it is fundamentally a law review, it welcomes submissions from other disciplines (e.g. criminology, sociology, psychology, criminal justice etc.). The journal’s aim is to be the preeminent repository of articles, book reviews and case commentaries in its field of endeavour. The journal publishes high-quality, original, empirical and theoretical research.
Type: scholarly journal
Dissemination: open access
Frequency (of publication each year): 3
Publisher: University of Alberta Library
Digital ISSN: 2563-2574
Discipline(s): Law, Psychology, Humanities and Social Sciences
OJS hosted by: University of Alberta
Are you an institution interested in adding one or more of these titles to your collection?