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New Érudit Platform: Features


Find what you’re looking for, and even more, on the new

The new platform’s complete and technical overhaul is the result of a one and a half year’s work by the Érudit team. Our aim is to improve article views and welcome the arrival of new services.

Below you will find information regarding the platform’s features, by user type. Development and improvements will continue throughout the year. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at

Welcome to our new platform!

– The Érudit team

Features for the readers:

  • Journals: all articles in scholarly and cultural journals have been integrated in the new interface.
  • Theses: all theses are available and classified by institutional repository.
  • Books: books are not yet available on the new platform. You will be directed to the old site to consult them.
  • Research reports: research reports are not yet available on the new platform. You will be directed to the old site to consult them.
  • Search: the new platform includes both searching by keyword or advanced searching (with booleans and complex queries). All reports, theses and books are indexed by the search engine. The redesign now allows our team to continuously improve search results, which includes indexing and interface. We will reach out to our user committee, comprised of both librarians and journal editors. Optimization will be carried out gradually over the course of the spring.
  • Access restriction: some journal articles are available only to subscribers, as per the classic website. If you do not have access to an article to which you previously did, contact us to report this error.


Features for our journals:

  • URL addresses: your journal, issues, and articles have new URLs. Old URLs are fully supported for articles. Any URLs not managed by the new site will be temporarily redirected to the old site. The URLs for pre-broadcasting your numbers will point to the new site by default. If you want to check the display in the old site, you can substitute the URL subdomian with
  • Publisher login: a new publisher administrative space is under construction. Eventually, all services will be accessible via the new platform’s admin website. A link to your publishing login can be found on your journal’s about page, in the sidebar.
  • About the journal: your journal’s about page must be updated on the new platform. Please contact us for further information regarding your login credentials.
  • Subscriptions: reports, statistics and the subscriber list are not yet migrated to your new customer area. You may consult them on the classic site, via the publisher login.
  • Statistics: during the transition period, users may only view statistics on the classic site. We are working on providing our users with the complete statistical report for both the new and classic websites, as of April. We will contact you when this report is ready.
  • Uploading production files: we now offer an uploading interface for your issue production files. We will contact you shortly to guide you through the transition to this new and simple way of sending your content to Érudit.


Features for subscribed institutions:

  • Library login: a new library administrative space is under construction. Eventually, all services will be accessible via the new plateform’s admin website. A link to your previous admin space can be found by clicking on the Login option of the top navigation, and following the Client zone link.
  • Statistics: during the transition period, your usage statistics won’t be accessible from your admin space, but the feature will be available again by April. We will contact you when it is ready, please contact us at if you require further information.
  • Reports: Marc 21, OCLC, and KBART report are still available on the classic admin space.