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Author: Gwendal Henry

Érudit Platform Redesign

Towards a new Érudit in autumn 2016! Since several months, our development team has been working on the next release of Érudit platform. Platform’s interface (“front-end”), technologies (“back-end”) and services provided will be updated. The new platform launch is expected for autumn 2016. This new

Substance Consortium

Last year, the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) and the Collaborative Knowledge Foundation (CoKo) partnered to support an open source ecosystem for knowledge creation and dissemination. Today, we are proud to announce that, in conjunction with Consortium Érudit, we are taking another concrete step towards this common

2016 PKP Sprint Development

We are pleased to participate this year in the organization of PKP development sprint. This event will take place on 25 and 26 April 2016 at the Carrefour des  arts  et des sciences of the Université de Montréal (Room C-3061, Pavillon Lionel Groulx). PKP is

Open Access Week: activities and commitment

The Open Access Week is an event that annually brings together hundreds of initiatives worldwide in support of Open Access dissemination of research results. Activities for Open Access Week During this week, we will have the pleasure to present our partnership with the CRKN for

Launch of a Socio-Economic Study on Canadian Scholarly Journals

Montréal (Québec), July 8, 2015 – At a time when scholarly dissemination is facing major challenges, Érudit is carrying out an important study on Canadian scholarly journals in collaboration with several organizations involved in academic publishing. The Canadian scholarly journal community, made up of 350

Role of university presses in the digital age

With the advent of digital technology and the development of open access to research results , what university presses roles will be required to play in scholarly dissemination ? Benoît Melançon, professor at Université de Montréal and scientific director at Université de Montréal Press answers

Appointment of Vincent Larivière as Scientific Director of Érudit

Press release Montréal (Québec), April 17, 2015 – The dissemination and research platform Érudit is proud to announce the appointment of Professor Vincent Larivière as its Scientific Director. In this capacity, Mr. Larivière will participate in the planning of Érudit’s strategic orientation and will be