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Call for applications 2023 – scholarly journals

Érudit is launching a call for applications for scholarly journals wishing to be disseminated on its platform as of January 2023.

The journal should submit its application before Sunday, April 24, 2022. Applications received after this date may be evaluated for the following year.

Applications closed for 2023

Please note that the 2023 call for applications is now closed.

Journals interested in applying will be able to do so for the 2024 call, which will take place in the spring of 2023, or they can contact our team at

Each year, our collection of journals is enriched by several new publications. Each of these journals is subject to a selection process based on specific criteria, and each application is examined by our scientific committee. This limited selection of new titles each year allows us to support each editorial team in a personalized way.

As part of Coalition Publica, the partnership between Érudit and the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), we are also pleased to open this call to scholarly journals that use PKP’s Open Journal Systems (OJS).

Selection criteria

To be eligible, the applicant scholarly journal must meet the following criteria:

  • The journal must follow a rigorous and independent peer review process.
  • At least one third (⅓) of the journal’s editorial committee must be made up of researchers affiliated with a Canadian post-secondary educational institution and/or the journal must be owned by a Canadian not-for-profit organization.
  • The journal must publish at least six scholarly articles per year.
  • The journal must have been published for at least two years as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal.
  • The journal must be related to a social science or humanities discipline.
  • The journal must publish primarily in English and/or French.


  1. Complete the application form at
  2. Érudit’s Scientific Committee will examine the applications and will approve, reject or outline conditions for the inclusion of the journal on the platform.
  3. Choose a type of digital production: the Érudit team provides the applicant journal with a digital production estimate with two digital production options:
    – Minimal XML (metadata tagging in XML, dissemination of articles in PDF format).
    Example :
    – Full XML (metadata and full text markup in XML, dissemination of articles in PDF and HTML; other formats also available (e.g. ePub))
    Example :
  4. Sign contracts between the journal and Érudit. Contracts must be returned to Érudit before September 1, 2022, otherwise the journal cannot be integrated in 2023.

Services for Journals

Journals are only charged for digital publishing services, and they remain owners of all digital files produced by Érudit.

  • Digital Publishing
    Érudit provides XML file markup and production for current and back issues. Érudit also offers a service for digitizing and disseminating journals’ archives of back issues.
  • Dissemination
    Érudit has signed agreements with international aggregators and discovery services, such as Google Scholar, EBSCO and Crossref, ensuring full visibility of published articles.
  • Preservation
    Érudit works with international partners, such as Portico, to ensure permanent archiving of platform content.
  • Financial support
    Journals can choose to be disseminated in full open access or with restricted access (12-month moving wall, accessible to subscribers; open access to issues older than 12 months). Érudit supports journals through various commercialization strategies: consortial agreements, financial support for open access, institutional and individual subscription sales. More than 1,100 libraries worldwide have a partnership or subscription agreement with Érudit.

If your journal uses Open Journal Systems (OJS), we invite you to familiarize yourself with the services offered through Coalition Publica, Érudit’s partnership with the Public Knowledge Project.


To communicate in French :

Hocine Chehab

Digital Publishing Officer
514 343-6111, ext. 44607

To communicate in English :

Jessica Clark

Coalition Publica Coordinator

About Érudit

Érudit is an inter-university consortium that provides research and cultural communities with a wide range of services in digital publishing and dissemination, as well as a research repository. The Érudit platform——is the leading digital dissemination platform of SSH research in Canada. It hosts over 240 journals and its collections are consulted by the research community and the general public, including the users of over 1 100 institutions worldwide.