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Selection of articles on the Holidays theme

The Érudit team wishes you a very happy holiday season. On this occasion, discover several articles from journals disseminated by Érudit on the topic of end-of-year celebrations: Tourtière and Cretons: Celebratory French-Canadian Meat Dishes in Today’s New England, par Kristen MerrillCuizine, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2013To anyone of French-Canadian descent

The journal Circuit is turning 30!

This year, the journal Circuit is celebrating having been publishing for 30 years. Founded in 1989 by Lorraine Vaillancourt and Jean-Jacques Nattiez, the journal publishes articles in both French and English on contemporary music in Quebec, North America, and elsewhere. Its title is a tribute

Reflections on the Black Lives Matter movement

Photo by Lorie Shaull, CC BY-SA 2.0. Recent events related to the Black Lives Matter movement, taking place in the United States, Canada and elsewhere in the world, have shown us the scope and complexity of the systems that contribute to the marginalization of Black, Indigenous and

Thinking through the COVID-19 crisis

It’s been several months since our daily lives were turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic. While the catchphrase of the hour sounds optimistic, we are aware that the reality is infinitely more complex than this slogan suggests. More than ever, we know how necessary it

Laval théologique et philosophique is turning 75

Founded in 1945, the journal Laval théologique et philosophique has a rich history of both continuity and transformations. Enriching intellectual life From 1945 to the late 1960s, the journal was greatly influenced by the writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Following epistemological transformations in the mid-twentieth