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Substance Consortium

Last year, the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) and the Collaborative Knowledge Foundation (CoKo) partnered to support an open source ecosystem for knowledge creation and dissemination.

substance petitToday, we are proud to announce that, in conjunction with Consortium Érudit, we are taking another concrete step towards this common goal. Our three organizations have identified Substance, a JavaScript library for web-based content editing, as a critical piece of infrastructure, and are inviting others to join us in a consortium to support Substance.

A consortium of organizations committed to supporting and integrating Substance will lead to the creation of a common-pool resource whose development is driven by community needs. We recognize that web-based multi-party editing of structured documents is needed in the authoring, editing, and production workflows of knowledge creation, and believe that we can best ensure Substance serves all these needs by coming together to support them.

By standing behind Substance, PKP, CoKo, and Érudit are declaring to all interested parties that we are invested in having an open source, general-purpose document editing toolkit that can be integrated into each of our own systems and workflows. We hope that by making this commitment, others will recognize that there is more to gain from jointly supporting Substance’s work rather than building local or custom solutions that cannot easily be used by others.

We are planning a Consortium meeting in July, 2016. If you wish to be informed of the consortium’s activities or to join this meeting please join the mailing list here:

Érudit, Public Knowledge Project, Collaborative Knowledge Foundation.

partenaires de Substance